Meet the Characters (Jake)


Name: Jacob (Jake) Henry O’Reilly

Age: 21

Height: 6’5”

Nationality: Endrian

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Blue

Magic Class: Red Mage (Physical Magic)

Parents: Henry (Deceased) and Layla O’Reilly

Siblings: Beth O’Reilly (Deceased)


Jake was born to Henry and Layla O’Reilly in the town of Fisk. It was a fishing town on the coast of Endria and they stayed there while Henry worked as a fisherman. Unfortunately Henry was killed in an accident at sea, when Jake was very young. Due to his father being gone a lot and Jake being so young when he died, Jake doesn’t remember much of his father.

After Henry’s death, Layla decided to move Jake, and his baby sister Beth, to Capital City, to be closer to Layla’s mother. Layla’s mother was a renowned pro wrestler named Matilda Hart. Matilda, being a Red Mage, was able to use her magically enhanced strength to become quite the attraction, as she would wrestle men twice her size. A female Red Mage was rare enough on its own, so Matilda made a good living in her profession.

Soon they discovered that Beth was a female red mage as well. When she grew old enough for her magic to begin manifesting itself, she showed incredible strength for her age. Beth expressed an interest in following in her Grandmother’s shoes, so Matilda began teaching her, but soon after Beth was diagnosed with Beckett’s Disease. It was a rare disease that afflicts Red Mages, in which the magic that enhances their bodies, also tears it down from the inside. By the time it was discovered, the degeneration was too great and Beth died at only 13 years old.

Jake had already taken on responsibility of looking after his mother and sister, in the wake of his father’s death. He felt determined to be the man of the house. His determination was so great, that his magic actually manifested earlier than most boys; however, because of this he became reckless with it. He was known to push himself to the point of exhaustion. When Beth died, Jake took it pretty hard. They were only a year apart in age and very close, so Jake became depressed. He began acting out at school and getting into fights, but when he saw the effect it was having on his mother, he decided to stop.

His mother began having trouble holding down a job and Jake didn’t feel it was right to make his grandmother provide for them by herself, so Jake took up a new hobby. Jake began to gamble. He found a group of boys at school who played poker on weekends and he quickly became good at it. He didn’t make much at first, because they were only high school boys, but he found ways to make more money. His size made it easy to pass for being older, so he began searching out adult poker games. He discovered that he could catch his opponents bluffing, by using magically enhanced hearing to listen to their heartbeats. This meant that his eyes would glow red, due to channeling magic, so he had to be careful. He was caught eventually and beaten up for cheating, so he decided that he would have to become good enough to win properly.

Soon he began bringing in enough money to help provide for his mother, but he never told her the truth about where the money was coming from. He told her that he was working a part time job. Jake was able to use his money to pay his way through the Mage Academy, where he met Bret Cable and became best friends. Bret, being an over-achiever and far more straight-laced than Jake, was a good counter for Jake’s wild personality.

When Jake graduated he decided that he had no desire to become a wrestler like his grandmother and he didn’t want to become a soldier, so he chose the Royal Guard (police) as his career.

Here is a link to book one of what will become a trilogy:

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